31. Enoki Bakso Pedas Manis 🍄.
You can cook 31. Enoki Bakso Pedas Manis 🍄 using 21 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of 31. Enoki Bakso Pedas Manis 🍄
- It's of Jamur Enoki.
- You need of bakso -- iris tipis.
- It's of Air Matang.
- Prepare of Minyak Wijen.
- You need of Daun Bawang.
- It's of Tepung Maizena.
- You need of 🍄 Bumbu Tumis.
- Prepare of Bawang Merah.
- You need of Bawang Putih.
- You need of Cabe Rawit -- iris.
- It's of Jahe -- geprek.
- It's of Daun Jeruk.
- Prepare of Margarin.
- Prepare of Minyak Goreng.
- It's of 🍄Bumbu Cemplung.
- It's of Kecap Manis.
- You need of Kecap Asin.
- Prepare of Saus Tomat.
- Prepare of Saus Cabe.
- You need of Cabe Bubuk / Kering.
- Prepare of lada bubuk, kaldu jamur & gula.
31. Enoki Bakso Pedas Manis 🍄 instructions
- Cuci bersih Jamur Enoki & siangi ujung pangkalnya.
- Panaskan Margarin, masukkan bumbu" tumis, aduk rata..
- Tambahkan Air, setelah mendidih masukkan bumbu"cemplung kemudian Bakso dan Jamur.Aduk perlahan.
- Setelah dirasa cukup matang, tambahkan Tepung Maizena kemudian Minyak Wijen. Matikan kompor.
- Pindahkan ke wadah yang sudah disiapkan, taburi Daun Bawang di atasnya.
- Taraaa..siap disajikan. Selamat mencobaa 🥰.