Ramen. Please be kind to your fellow ramen slurpers. All posts should be about ramen (this is a ramen subreddit after all). Udon, soba, and other noodle types outside of ramen or instant noodles will be.
Ramen (���[����) is a noodle soup dish that was originally imported from China and has become one of the most popular dishes in Japan in recent.
Japan. ramen stand stall and menu designs.
I was profusely crying ramen noodles and it HURT.
You can have Ramen using 13 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Ramen
- You need of mie telur (bakmi/mie telur kering).
- Prepare of telur rebus.
- It's of pokcoy.
- You need 3 sm munjung of gokhujang.
- It's of bombang, cincang halus.
- Prepare of saoy sauce.
- Prepare of daun bawang, iris halus.
- You need 100 gr of daging sukiyaki,.
- You need 1 bungkus of jamur enoki,.
- It's secukupnya of jamur kuping,.
- It's of bakso ikan/narutomaki.
- It's potongan of nori.
- It's secukupnya of air.
Ramen step by step
- Rendam daging sukiyaki dgn sesendok pasta gokhujang, diamkan dlm lemari es, siapkan bahan lain.
- Tumis bombay hingga harum, masukkan daging sukiyaki yg sudah dimarinade, tumis hingga berubagh warna tambahkan soy sauce,gokhujang, beri air biarkan mendidih tes rasa asem, gurih setelah dirasa cukup. matikan api.
- Siapkan bahan pelangkap, enoki rebus, bakso ikan rebus, mie rebus, pokcoy rebus, jamur kuping, telor rebus, irisan nori.
- Penyelesaian, tata mie dalam mangkuk, siram kuah ramen, beri pelengkap bersama taburan daun bawang, sajikan hangat.